
UPMASS: A Unified Predictive Maintenance and Scheduling System @EIT

The EIT Manufacturing project UPMASS (Unified Predictive Maintenance and Scheduling System) aims to provide a unified predictive maintenance and scheduling solution, integrating predictive analytics and addressing the entire...


Employees Skills for Predictive Maintenance

The EIT Manufacturing project Skills4PdM aims to improve the know-how of existing workforce and actively support their re-skilling or upskilling in relation to Predicitive Maintenance as part of a smart manufacturing paradigm....


Intuitive Programming for Human-Robot Collaboration in Assembly

Creating the process flows of technical industrial systems such as robots, conveyor systems or transport vehicles is a major challenge for many companies. Process planners have to learn different operating concepts, since each...


Videoreihe “Robotik in der Logistik” – BIBA bei DVZ-Blue-Rocket

Was ist eigentlich Robotik? Wo brauchen Logistiker Roboter? Und was können Logistik Roboter leisten? Fragen, denen Christoph Petzoldt vom BIBA nachgeht. In einer zehnteiligen Kurzvideoreihe werden Themen rund um das Feld...


Intelligent Voice Assistants for Production and Logistics

Digital assistants in production enable workers to determine the status of machines and equipment, track products and production aids, receive notifications about events, shorten response times through voice control, and receive...


Intelligent Quality Assurance for Digitalized Production

In the PrintAI project (self-learning software platform for 3D-printer farms for individualized mass production using the examples of shoes), BIBA supports the company Zellerfeld Inc. in the globally unique production of...


Erfolgreicher Abschluss des Projektes IRiS - Interaktives Robotiksystem zur Entleerung von Seecontainern

Die Entladung von Containern stellt eine der letzten nicht automatisierten Aktivitäten in einer hochtechnisierten Transportkette dar. Ein signifikanter Anteil der im- und exportierten Container wird in Seehäfen entleert bzw....


Displaying results 8 to 14 out of 37

AI for Lean IoT
August 8, 2024, Oldenburg
BIBA auf der SMM 2024
September 3-6, 2024, Hamburg
How Can Production and Logistics Be Truly “Green”?
September 9, 2024, BIBA, Bremen
Transparent Supply Chains in Logistics
September 18, 2024, online
September 19-20, 2024, Bremerhaven

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