
CAMPUS CITY: Man, Robot and Shoes from the 3D Printer

On October 12, we hosted Bremen residents interested in robotics and artificial intelligence for CAMPUS CITY at the beautiful Fly Deck on Teerhof. The guests wanted to learn how these technologies can support humans in their...



Once a year, the German Academic Society for Logistics Engineering (WGTL e.V.) meets for the Logistics Colloquium to present their latest research results and discuss them from a scientific and applied perspective. The 18th...


Excellent Presentation Shows How People Work with Machines in Teams

At this year's research seminar of the Academic Society for Work and Industrial Organization (WGAB) on the topic of "Digitization of the work environment for sustainable production" at the University of Luxembourg,...


Maritime Meets Digital - Prominent Visitors at the SMM in Hamburg

Together with the Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Bremen, BIBA is flying the flag of digitalization for the maritime industry at the SMM 2022 in Hamburg. There, from September 6 to 9, we will present exemplary...


hyBit: New Large-scale Hydrogen Research Project Launched with BIBA Participation

Hydrogen is considered the "energy carrier of tomorrow," and the tangible consequences of climate change and politics make its rapid introduction indispensable. But the path to an efficient hydrogen economy is complex,...


Produktionstechnik macht Schule: Hilfe bei der Studienwahl

Der Fachbereich Produktionstechnik - Maschinenbau & Verfahrenstechnik der Universität Bremen kooperiert seit Langem erfolgreich mit Schulen in Bremen und Niedersachsen. Mit dabei ist auch das BIBA - Bremer Institut für...


Technologie zum Anschauen, Anfassen und Ausprobieren – mitten im Herzen Bremens!

Am 23. und 24. Juni hat das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Bremen anlässlich des bundesweiten Digitaltags digitale Lösungen für KMU auf dem Bremer Marktplatz präsentiert. Als Partner des Kompetenzzentrums war auch das BIBA mit...


Displaying results 85 to 91 out of 263

AI for Lean IoT
August 8, 2024, Oldenburg
BIBA auf der SMM 2024
September 3-6, 2024, Hamburg
How Can Production and Logistics Be Truly “Green”?
September 9, 2024, BIBA, Bremen
Transparent Supply Chains in Logistics
September 18, 2024, online
September 19-20, 2024, Bremerhaven

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