
© APMS 2021

Call for Papers: Special Sessions at APMS 2021

BIBA researchers co-organize several special sessions at the Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS) 2021 conference that will take place from 5th – 9th September 2021. We’d like to invite you to submit papers for the...


Source: BIBA

Driving Digitalization With the Internet of Things

The iotfablab at BIBA offers hardware and software as well as practical knowledge on the Internet of Things (IoT). It provides resources for projects and supports companies in their developments on the way to Industry 4.0 with...


Source: BIBA

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Klaus-Dieter Thoben Appointed New Member of acatech

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Head of the Department "Integrated Product Development" of the Faculty of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen and member of the Management Board of BIBA - Bremer...


Source: Marcus Meyer

Virtual Tour in the BIBA Shop Floor Lab – Now with More Demos and Labs

BIBA considers the transfer of scientific results into the practice as one of its essential tasks. The unique symbiosis of product development as well as planning and control comes to fruition in the BIBA shop floor lab. Research...


Source: BreLogIK

Successful Kick-Off for the Qualification of Scientific Innovation Ambassadors

In the project BreLogIK (short for "Bremen Logistics Transfer and Innovation Culture", in which BIBA is involved), 13 young scientists from various disciplines are being trained as scientific innovation ambassadors. From January...


NorShiP-Cooperation confirmed: New expertise in cybersecurity

In the future, BIBA will support the NorShiP Graduate School together with the IGMR (Institute for Information, Health and Medical Law) and the TZI (Technology Center for Computer Science and Information Technology), AGRA (AG...


Start-up from BIBA Awarded with the Galileo Prize

Andreas Haselsteiner and Aljoscha Sander, who work at BIBA and Uni Bremen won the Galileo Prize Bremen for their startup idea “flucto”. Their technology for tracking individual wind turbine components will address installation,...


Displaying results 148 to 154 out of 263

AI for Lean IoT
August 8, 2024, Oldenburg
BIBA auf der SMM 2024
September 3-6, 2024, Hamburg
How Can Production and Logistics Be Truly “Green”?
September 9, 2024, BIBA, Bremen
Transparent Supply Chains in Logistics
September 18, 2024, online
September 19-20, 2024, Bremerhaven

More events