
Photo: Aaron Heuermann, BIBA

Project Logistics Expert Forum: BIBA demonstrates digitalization in ports

For the sixth time, the project logistics community met in Bremen at the Project Logistics Forum to discuss current market insights, trends and developments in the industry. The topics on the agenda of this industry meeting at...


Foto: Nicolas Kassel, BIBA

Digitalisierung in der Fahrzeugdistribution – ECG Academy informiert sich im BIBA

Die ECG Academy vermittelt Führungsnachwuchskräften wichtige Management Kenntnisse im Bereich der Fahrzeugdistribution. Dies erfolgt themenspezifisch in verschiedenen Modulen aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft an 24...


Photo: Klimahaus Bremerhaven

Around the world in 8 minutes - BIBA faster as in Jules Verne

On November 22nd the arguably longest run of the world took place, once through all climate zones of our earth. The 9th swb-Klimahaus run sent the more than 350 participants from more than 30 teams on a very special running...


© Aleksandra Himstedt, BIBA

Human-Technology Interaction in the Focus of Workplace Safety

On November 28th, 2019, BIBA received the Regional Working Group for Workplace Safety from Cuxhaven. The event focused on the topic of human-technology interaction in the context of digitization. During presentations and...


© Aleksandra Himstedt, BIBA

Visit of the Ethiopian Ambassador to BIBA

The new Ethiopian ambassador in Berlin, Mulu Solomon Bezuneh, visited LogDynamics and BIBA on November 26th. The Ambassador paid particular attention to the International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics (IGS), as IGS...


Photo: BreLogIK

Logistics Transfer and Innovation Culture in Bremen - now available online

The logistics sector is a major contributor to Bremen's economy. It prepares itself for the future and tackles topics such as "digitalization" and "innovations". The majority of the players are small and...


LogDynamics Research Report 2018/19 published

Logistics has had a significant impact on the development of the world as it is today. It has driven and continues to inspire social, economic, and technological change. In addition, logistics also plays an important role in...


Displaying results 211 to 217 out of 294

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BIBA with LogDynamics at the LogisticsConnect Congress Fair
March 6-7, 2025, Bremen
Cobot from the BIBA at the Hannover Messe
March 31- April 4, 2025, Hannover
Girls' Day at BIBA
April 3, 2025, BIBA
Suppy Chain Day 2025
April 10, 2025, BIBA

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