
BIBA welcomes Offshorewind Delegation from the Netherlands

On March 5th, 2019 a Dutch Offshorewind delegation visited the BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik. Between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., around 75 representatives of Dutch business and politics gathered information about...


Künftig ohne Zaun Hand in Hand mit dem Roboter: Forschungen zum Miteinander von Mensch und Maschine

Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration (MRK): Neues Forschungsprojekt „Autonomes Assistenzsystem zur Unterstützung von MRK-Montageprozessen (AutARK) nimmt Fahrt auf | Förderung im BMWi-Programm „Digitale Technologien für die Wirtschaft“...


Source: EIT

BIBA as part of the largest innovation initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology: EIT Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is facing major challenges due to increasing global competition, low-cost production in developing countries and scarce raw materials. EIT Manufacturing is an initiative of the European Institute of...


Our new annual report is available

Informative and exciting, in German and English, colorful and entertaining: Our new annual report is now available! In short articles we present numerous examples of our work over the past two years - in research, teaching and...


Source: Smart SysTech

Calls for Papers: Smart SysTech 2019 & ISL 2019

In 2019, BIBA will again be involved in numerous scientific conferences. Among others, two conferences will take place this summer at which Prof. Dr.-Ing Klaus-Dieter Thoben will contribute to the Program Committee. Smart...


Robot Drone for Inspection of Wind Turbines

InspectionCopter is a joint research project of BIBA, the Bremen robot gripper arm specialist AKON, the drone manufacturer Airstage and the Fraunhofer Institute for Additive Production Technologies IAPT which combines AI,...


Digital Services in the Port on the Basis of a cross-company Cloud

ProDiS stands for process innovation through digital services for the seaport of the future and is a project in which BIBA is involved. The project makes a significant contribution to increasing the innovative strength of German...


Displaying results 239 to 245 out of 294

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BIBA with LogDynamics at the LogisticsConnect Congress Fair
March 6-7, 2025, Bremen
Cobot from the BIBA at the Hannover Messe
March 31- April 4, 2025, Hannover
Girls' Day at BIBA
April 3, 2025, BIBA
Suppy Chain Day 2025
April 10, 2025, BIBA

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