
Autumn Internship at the Technology Park - Starting Signal at BIBA

In order to inspire the next generation for engineering sciences, BIBA participates for the first time in the autumn internship at the Technology Park Uni Bremen. On October 16, the first day of the internship, 30 high school...


BIBA Researchers Successful in CAMPUSiDEEN Competition

Mina Foosherian and Stefan Wellsandt participated in the CAMPUSiDEEN competition with the COALA project and were awarded twice in the award ceremony on October 12, 2023. Congratulations to the second place in the category...


F&E-Projekte zur intelligenten Planung und Steuerung des Autoumschlags in Häfen erfolgreich beendet

Zirka 70.000 Pkw-Stellplätze, jährlich rund 1.000 Autoschiffe, dazu Tausende Autozüge und -Lkw: Mit jährlich 1,7 Millionen umgeschlagenen Pkw (2022) zählt der BLG AutoTerminal Bremerhaven zu den weltweit größten. Genau hier...


Intelligent Picking: Follow Me Mode for Autonomous Mobile Robots

Against the background of high physical stress during technical work in automobile handling, BIBA is working together with the partners BLG LOGISTICS, ELROTEC and HUNIC on an ergonomic design of workplaces with simultaneous...


Sustainability in Focus - Review of ENVOCONNECT 2023

ENVOCONNECT took place for the first time in Bremerhaven on September 21 and 22, 2023. It brought together sustainability managers from port-related industries: Handling companies, global logisticians, medium-sized companies,...


Model Factory 4.0 from the BIBA at the Lean Network in Oldenburg

In cooperation with the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg, the Lean Network (Lean Management Network in the Northwest) held its kickoff event in Oldenburg on September 19, 2023, with keynote speeches and plenty of...


BIBA Involved in the Establishment of a Local Competence Center for Labor Research

A new major collaborative project at the University of Bremen with partners from research, development, and industry has started its work. It is aimed at establishing a local competence center for labor research. The BMBF is...


Displaying results 43 to 49 out of 263

AI for Lean IoT
August 8, 2024, Oldenburg
BIBA auf der SMM 2024
September 3-6, 2024, Hamburg
How Can Production and Logistics Be Truly “Green”?
September 9, 2024, BIBA, Bremen
Transparent Supply Chains in Logistics
September 18, 2024, online
September 19-20, 2024, Bremerhaven

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