5th Research Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing in Bremen

This year's conference of the World Society of Disaster Nursing (WSDN) took place on October 18th and 19th in Bremen, focusing on "Future Challenges for Global Disaster Risk Management - Evidence based Research and Powerful Competencies Needed for Nurses". The conference, organized by Professor Görres (University of Bremen) and his team, was attended by over 170 participants from 16 countries and 4 contingents. As part of a keynote, Professor Anna Förster and Dr.-Ing. Udugama (University of Bremen) together with Dr.-Ing. Michael Lütjen and Ann-Kathrin Rohde (BIBA) presented a phase model for the reconstruction of information technologies after a disaster ("Rehabilitation of communications to enable fast response in disaster scenarios"). Professor Thoben chaired a discussion panel at the conference and, in a joint contribution with Professor Drechsler (University of Bremen), Dr.-Ing. Matthias Burwinkel and Ann-Kathrin Rohde (BIBA), explained research needs for cross-company collaboration with the aim of restoring logistical processes for disaster relief in seaports ("Digitized cross-company and seaport-wide collaboration to restore and sustain disaster relief"). The released conference papers can be found at www.wsdn2018.de/presentations.

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