BIBA Spin-off cellumation wins Start-Up Contest of the German federal states

Image: David Schumacher / BIBA

The Bremen-based high-tech start-up cellumation has prevailed in the start-up contest of the federal states and won the first prize. Its innovative modular & software-driven conveyor technology convinced the jury and the audience. The BIBA congratulates!

After an online preliminary decision, Co-Founder and CEO Dr. Hendrik Thamer (BIBA Alumni) was able to convince both the jury and the audience with his pitch in the final with a total of over 700 votes cast. Thamer on the victory: "We are proud that we were able to win this award for the heart of logistics, Bremen. We feel confirmed in our development and continue to work ceaselessly towards our goal that in the future every delivered package worldwide should have touched a celluveyor cell." The competition was very high-class and an exciting final left the result open for a long time. Competitors were the start-ups Mobility-on-Demand from Rhineland-Palatinate, innocept mobility from Hesse, PantoHealth from Berlin, Fillflix from Baden-Württemberg and 4Pilots from Thuringia.

The self-developed, patented, modular and software-driven conveyor technology from cellumation has already won several awards. The European Innovation Council (EIC) is now also involved in the further development of the technology. This makes it possible to carry out complex conveyor movements in a very small area. Driven by rapidly growing e-commerce and the Covid-19 pandemic, many parcel handling centers are reaching their capacity limits. Automation of existing processes is thus the only way out. Here, the celluveyor scores with high flexibility, easy maintenance and high process reliability. The young company cellumation was founded in 2017 by Dr. Hendrik Thamer and Claudio Uriarte, and has since grown to 64 team members.

The competition was organized by the House of Logistics and Mobility, Frankfurt. Start-up initiatives of the federal states participated in it nationwide: for example, the Starthaus Bremen brought cellumation into the race. Thamer: "Bremen is a very good business location for us with its broad university landscape, the high level of logistics know-how and the pragmatic nature of the people."


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