Energy Efficiency in Focus at the Lunchtime S(ch)nack at BIBA

Image: Aleksandra Himstedt

On August 24, around 20 BIBA neighbors from the Technology Park spent their lunch break at the Lunch S(ch)nack around the topic of energy efficiency. They exchanged views on ways to achieve a more climate-friendly corporate philosophy. The substantive impetus came from BIBA and the Bremen Energy Consensus. BIBA presented their PV system as well as various self-sufficient energy systems for research and teaching purposes as part of the "Energy Self-Sufficient Production" learning factory.

The lunchtime s(ch)nack was hosted by the Technologiepark Uni Bremen in cooperation with the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg and BIBA. We would like to thank the co-organizers for the good cooperation and all participants for their interest and the exciting exchange!



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