Successful Kick-Off for the Qualification of Scientific Innovation Ambassadors

Source: BreLogIK

In the project BreLogIK (short for "Bremen Logistics Transfer and Innovation Culture", in which BIBA is involved), 13 young scientists from various disciplines are being trained as scientific innovation ambassadors. From January 12 to 14, 2021, the first training module took place as a digital conference. In this context, 19 experts offered exciting insights into current developments in the logistics industry, logistics policy and logistics science in the Federal State of Bremen. The range of topics covered digitalization in the logistics sector, Bremen's strategy for port development, electromobility, and the possibilities of using hydrogen. The participants come from different scientific institutions in Bremen and all have a diverse background. The qualification is designed to support the opportunity of direct networking among the participants in order to develop interdisciplinary project ideas and to carry them into Bremen's logistics industry. After the scheduled completion of this qualification in July 2021, the newly trained innovation ambassadors will support regional logistics SMEs in boosting their innovation potential.


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