International Gaming Community Meets at BIBA

Image: Aleksandra Himstedt

From November 1-3, 2022, the international gaming community met at BIBA for its annual IFIP-ICEC conference. IFIP-ICEC stands for International Federation for Information Processing - International Conference on Entertainment Computing. The 21st edition of the scientific conference series was held in Bremen, hosted by BIBA and the University of Bremen.

More than 60 participants from all continents – practitioners, researchers, artists, designers and industry involved in the design, development, use and application as well as evaluation of digital entertainment content and experience systems – exchanged their views on current topics. They discussed and collaborated in four workshops and one tutorial in the areas of social and ethical issues in entertainment computing, interactive immersive entertainment, digital arts and digital game-based learning.

A total of 27 scientific papers were presented in six sessions. Topics ranged from game experience, player behavior and analysis, art and entertainment, game communities, entertainment tools and methods, and serious games. The program was flanked by four keynote lectures from industry and academia, as well as game competitions and interactive demonstrations.

The conference dinner and a joint reception with the participants of the ChiPlay conference, which has been held parallel at the University of Bremen, facilitated an intensive networking. We would like to thank all participants of IFIP-ICEC 2022 for their contribution to the exciting exchange!

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