Start-up from BIBA Awarded with the Galileo Prize

Andreas Haselsteiner and Aljoscha Sander, who work at BIBA and Uni Bremen won the Galileo Prize Bremen for their startup idea “flucto”. Their technology for tracking individual wind turbine components will address installation, maintenance and decommission of wind farms.

The company flucto aims at enhancing renewable energy generation with sensors, gadgets and software. Both founders worked on research projects dealing with the installation of offshore wind turbines, where they experienced the industry's challenges: big components that strongly move due to wind and wave and deciding when to install and when to wait for better weather. To tackle this challenge they developed an installation monitoring system that tracks wind turbine components in real time and provides this information to offshore personnel such that they can make smarter decisions. Instead of using only weather limits, installers can use the system to set movement limits for the components. The installation monitoring system will be launched in 2021.

BIBA congratulates Andreas Haselsteiner and Aljoscha Sander for the award and wishes much success for the future of their company!

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