Virtual and Augmented Reality Arrives in the Skilled Trades

Image: Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg

Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) technologies are now being used not only in the entertainment sector, but increasingly in the day-to-day business of many companies. The skilled trades have also recognized this potential and have taken the opportunity to learn about these technologies and how to profit from them: Around 35 entrepreneurs took part in the event "Experience VR & AR technologies live" on February 9 in Hamburg.

The event was hosted by the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg in cooperation with the Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Bremen and BIBA. BIBA presented three demonstrators on VR & AR applications for education and training as well as for the maintenance of machines and plants. The interest at the BIBA booth was high, the guests tested the virtual training for the maintenance of electronic equipment, tried out the AR smart glasses and informed themselves about the AR assistance system for the maintenance of wind turbines. In addition, VR & AR technologies were seen as having great potential in view of the shortage of skilled workers.

If you are also interested in these technologies and their areas of application, please feel free to contact us!

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