Image: Aleksandra Himstedt

Once a year, the German Academic Society for Logistics Engineering (WGTL e.V.) meets for the Logistics Colloquium to present their latest research results and discuss them from a scientific and applied perspective.

The 18th Logistics Colloquium took place at BIBA on September 26 and 27, 2022. Around 65 guests from science and industry came to Bremen to exchange ideas on various aspects of technical logistics. The topics ranged from construction and mechanical engineering design, planning, analysis and simulation of logistics systems, control technology and IT systems to management, organization and operation.

Three award winners were honored during a poster session. The first prize went to the poster " Hängefördersystem mit Funktionskomponenten aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen" by Dr.-Ing. Christine Schubert, Eric Penno, Dr.-Ing. Sven Eichhorn and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Golder. We congratulate the award winners and thank all guests for the exciting exchange!

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