Scientific Exchange at the Virtual LDIC 2022

Source: Nicolas Kassel / BIBA


On February 23, the 8th International Conference on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC 2022) opened its virtual doors with the keynote talk by Prof. Julia Arlinghaus from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. In her talk, she explored the risk factors of digitalization technologies in smart factories and supply chains. In the following parallel sessions, scientific papers have been presented, and a virtual guided tour through the LogDynamics Lab was an exciting supplement of the program.

On the second day, we started with the keynote presentation by Prof. Nils Boysen from the Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Germany. He highlighted new technologies, new delivery concepts, and new optimization problems of the last mile logistics. On the last day, we welcomed Prof. Dmitry Ivanov from the Berlin School of Economics and Law, who gave a keynote talk on the supply chain resilience.

The conference concluded with the Best-Paper-Award Ceremony. We herewith congratulate the award winner: Johan Los, Frederik Schulte, Matthijs T.J. Spaan and Rudy R. Negenborn for their paper “An Auction-Based Multi-Agent System for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Autonomous Vehicles and Alternative Locations”.

We would like to thank all authors for their contribution to the conference with exciting and innovative outcomes from their recent research. We thank also all participants for their interest and active contribution to the scientific dialogue. We look forward to meeting you again at the LDIC 2024!



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