„TTU PhD SummerCamp“ at the University of Bremen

Cooperation over Three Continents – Research Visit from Ethiopia and Texas/USA in BIBA

The Ethiopian Ministry of Education, with support from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), established homegrown postgraduate programs in different clusters of Universities of Technology to spread the establishment of Centers of Excellence in different technological and engineering fields. The Texas Tech University (TTU, Lubbock/Texas/USA) runs such a program in collaboration with the Jimma Institute of Technology (JiT, Jimma/Ethiopia). From the 1th of July until the 27th of September 15 doctoral candidates out of this project are guest researchers at the University of Bremen, hosted by BIBA – Bremen Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik.

During their stay the Ethiopian engineers passed their proposal defense under the supervision of 10 American professors and a representative of the Ethopian Jimma University. In the context of the professional support for their research, the guests will be offered an exciting excursion program. The doctoral candidates visited already the BLG seaport terminal. They will visit further labs and German universities e. g. Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). Additionally, they will take part in guided tours according to their research topics.

In Bremen the scientists will join a tour to the waste water facilities and a tour to the solid waste management facilities as well as demonstrations of the LogDynamics facilities, AI Lab and the LogDynamics Lab. After their return to Ethiopia, the doctoral candidates can use the acquired expertise for their research work as well as for teaching or to implement it in practice.

Details and Contact:

www.logistics-gs.uni-bremen.de, www.biba.uni-bremen.de

Dr.-Ing. Ingrid Rügge, phone: 049 421 218-50 139, e-mail: rue@biba.uni-bremen.de


The photos - with the copyright notice - are free to publish. For any questions please contact

Dr.-Ing. Ingrid Rügge, phone: +49 (0)421 218-50 139, e-mail: rue@biba.uni-bremen.de

oder an

Sabine Nollmann, phone +49 (0)421 330 47 61, mobil phone +49 (0)170 904 11 67, e-mail: mail@kontexta.de

All photos in a ZIP: 20170822_Fotos_pm_TTU_SummerCamp.zip (31.5 MB)

  • Group Photo
    Gaeste aus Aethiopien im BIBA.jpg5926 x 3955 px, 4.20 MBFor three months, the Ethiopian doctoral candidates are guest at the International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics (IGS) in BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik. During their stay the Ethiopian engineers passed their proposal defense under the supervision of 10 American professors and a representative of the Ethopian Jimma University. Photos: LogDynamics-IGS
  • Tour LogDynamics Lab 1
    Fuehrung LogDynamicsLab 1.jpg7106 x 4740 px, 6.20 MB
  • Tour LogDynamics Lab 2
    Fuehrung LogDynamicsLab 2.jpg7010 x 4676 px, 4.55 MBIn the BIBA-hall: During their research stay, the guests also visit labs of German universities, including the LogDynamics Lab at the BIBA.
    Photos: LogDynamics-IGS
  • Ethiopian PhD students after examinations 1
    DoktorandInnen nach Pruefungen 1.jpg5302 x 3536 px, 3.29 MBEthiopian PhD students after their examinations.
    Photo: LogDynamics-IGS
  • Ethiopian PhD students after examinations 2
    DoktorandInnen nach Pruefungen 2.jpg7360 x 4912 px, 6.35 MBProfessors of the Texas Tech University (Lubbock / USA), a representative of the Jimma Institute of Technology (Jimma / Ethiopia) and Ethiopian PhD students after their examinations.
    Photo: LogDynamics-IGS
  • Ethiopian PhD students after examinations 3
    DoktorandInnen nach Pruefungen 3.jpg5596 x 3735 px, 4.26 MBProfessors of the Texas Tech University (Lubbock / USA) and a representative of the Jimma Institute of Technology (Jimma / Ethiopia) with Dr. Ingrid Rügge (left) from the International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics (IGS) and Ethiopian PhD students.
    Photo: LogDynamics-IGS
  • Besuch des Weser-Stadions 1
    Besuch Weser-Stadion 1.jpg2192 x 1233 px, 781 KBPhoto: Damtew Tsige Melese
  • Besuch des Weser-Stadions 2
    Besuch Weser-Stadion 2.jpg1876 x 1055 px, 655 KBThe visit of a Werder Bremen soccer match in the Weserstadion was a great concern of some Ethiopian guests. They enjoyed the friendship game in August.
    Photo: Getachew Kebede Warati

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