
Videoreihe “Robotik in der Logistik” – BIBA bei DVZ-Blue-Rocket

Was ist eigentlich Robotik? Wo brauchen Logistiker Roboter? Und was können Logistik Roboter leisten? Fragen, denen Christoph Petzoldt vom BIBA nachgeht. In einer zehnteiligen Kurzvideoreihe werden Themen rund um das Feld...


Intelligent Voice Assistants for Production and Logistics

Digital assistants in production enable workers to determine the status of machines and equipment, track products and production aids, receive notifications about events, shorten response times through voice control, and receive...


Intelligent Quality Assurance for Digitalized Production

In the PrintAI project (self-learning software platform for 3D-printer farms for individualized mass production using the examples of shoes), BIBA supports the company Zellerfeld Inc. in the globally unique production of...


Erfolgreicher Abschluss des Projektes IRiS - Interaktives Robotiksystem zur Entleerung von Seecontainern

Die Entladung von Containern stellt eine der letzten nicht automatisierten Aktivitäten in einer hochtechnisierten Transportkette dar. Ein signifikanter Anteil der im- und exportierten Container wird in Seehäfen entleert bzw....


Digital order management - the paperless office of tomorrow

The company MEGALIFT Bremen GmbH has simplified and accelerated its workflows by digitalizing its order management. An important role in this was played by the introduction of mobile solutions for the exchange of information with...


Predictive Maintenance Thanks to Artificial Intelligence

In order to establish the required availability, maintainability, quality and safety of production systems, considering the whole system and the entire production cycle, industrial companies are increasingly considering the use...


Interactive Robot Helps with Unloading

One of BIBA's core competencies is the automation and support of unergonomic and strenuous activities in various industrial application scenarios. In this context, we are researching and developing, among other things, automation...


Displaying results 15 to 21 out of 41