
Quod vide: Events Archive

Cobot from the BIBA at the Hannover Messe

March 31- April 4, 2025, Hannover

Image: Hannover Messe

It's time again for the Hannover Messe in spring! At the world's most important industrial trade fair, companies from the mechanical engineering, electrical and digital industries as well as the energy sector will jointly present solutions for an equally efficient and sustainable industry.

BIBA will also be there with the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg and is participating with a demonstrator in the joint area of the umbrella initiative Mittelstand-Digital, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).

Our demonstrator is a mobile assembly workstation that uses human-robot collaboration (HRC) and artificial intelligence (AI) to support people in production environments and optimise assembly processes. The collaborative robot (cobot) provides the required parts, while a central IoT control system visualises the warehouse stock. Sensors and cameras are used to ensure the safety of the collaboration and collect process data. The mobile assembly workstation therefore stands for intelligent automation of manufacturing processes that can be achieved with low financial and retrofitting costs.

Visit us at booth F40 in hall 17!

Further Information

Insights into Engineering Sciences on Girls' Day at BIBA

April 3, 2025, BIBA

Image: Girls‘Day

The nationwide Girls' Day is always an opportunity to give female pupils an insight into the world of engineering and to encourage them to study science or technology. BIBA will be there again on April 3, 2025 with low-threshold hands-on offers and shows how exciting technology can be. In our Hackspace in the BIBA research hall, students can experience technology up close: from product design for 3D printing to the production of small parts with the laser cutter to personalized give-aways - they can plan and implement all this themselves in our workshop.

To all interested young female scientists: Join us, unfold your creativity and discover how much fun technology can be! Register for the BIBA workshop on February 8, 2025!

Details and registration

Supply Chain Day 2025: Artificial intelligence Meets Circular Economy - Potential for the Supply Chain

April 10, 2025, BIBA

Image: Four888/

On the nationwide Supply Chain Day, companies, organisations and institutes open their doors to the public and demonstrate how versatile and efficient logistics is.

In a collaborative event, the Mittelstand Digital Centres WertNetzWerke and Bremen-Oldenburg, together with the BIBA - Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics, are helping to shape this day and are focusing on artificial intelligence (AI) and the circular economy. Other co-organisers are the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hamburg, the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics), the Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik (BME) and the Umwelt Unternehmen office.

We are delighted to invite you to experience innovative and sustainable technologies for logistics in the research hall of the BIBA - Bremen Institute of Production and Logistics. Join us and find out how AI can be used in logistics, what opportunities there are for the industry and what challenges need to be overcome. You will also learn how resources can be conserved and waste avoided through closed loops and how logistics can be made more energy-efficient. Look forward to keynote speeches, an expo with exciting demonstrators and the space to network!

Futher information and registration

Digital-Tour 2025: Nordenham

May 13, 2025, Nordenham

Image: Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg

The digital future is coming to your region - with the Digital Tour 2025 from the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg. Under the motto “Opportunities for SMEs: AI, tools and trends”, this time the digital tour will make a stop in the districts of Wesermarsch, Ammerland and the Friesland/Wilhelmshaven area and bring along various applications for digital practice in your company.

There will once again be a mix of presentations, demonstrators and networking, highlighting the opportunities of artificial intelligence for SMEs. BIBA is contributing to the event with the demonstrator “AI-supported HRC assembly workstation” and the presentation “Resource-efficient energy production in SMEs” by Markus Trapp.

Details and registration

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Cobot from the BIBA at the Hannover Messe
March 31- April 4, 2025, Hannover
Girls' Day at BIBA
April 3, 2025, BIBA
Suppy Chain Day 2025
April 10, 2025, BIBA
Digital-Tour 2025: Nordenham
May 13, 2025, Nordenham

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