
Rieke Leder

Research Associate in the IPS department Data Analytics and Process Optimization


ImmoAR Augmented reality system for realistic ‘on-site’ visualisation of industrial property projects using special tablets and WebAR technology
Adapt2Mount Development of a health-promoting assembly workplace with adaptive material provision and individual ergonomic optimization
MicroPorts Potential analysis of a multimodal transshipment system for the direct or indirect transshipment of goods between an inland waterway and at least one other freight transport system
compARe Optimization of the maintenance of wind turbines by using image processing methods on mobile augmented reality devices
QualifyAR Development of an AR framework with extended sensor technology to support training and education in the aviation industry
RailAR Assistance system for optimized noise protection planning and AR-based representation of a planning status of railway lines
LNG Armaturen Set Development of a sensitive valve set for high-volume ship to ship LNG transfer


Rieke Leder
BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH
Hochschulring 20
28359 Bremen

Telephone +49 421 218-50 056
Languages German, English

Rieke Leder

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der IPS-Abteilung Data Analytics und Prozessoptimierung

Telephone +49 421 218-50 056