BIBA Welcomes Senator Moosdorf: A Dialog on Research, Transfer and Future Technologies in Logistics

On September 5, 2024, we welcomed a very special guest to BIBA - Senator Kathrin Moosdorf and her team paid us a visit. The Senator for the Environment, Climate and Science of the State of Bremen was informed about BIBA's current activities and the latest results in the field of logistics research.

The transfer between science and industry was prominent on the agenda, not least in the context of BIBA's involvement in the LogDynamics Research Cluster. As a research and transfer focus of the state of Bremen, LogDynamics stands for a broad interdisciplinary spectrum of research on logistics topics, for international cooperation and for the transfer of knowledge and technology. Senator Moosdorf was given an insight into selected applications and demonstrators from BIBA and LogDynamics projects during a tour of the BIBA Shop Floor. Among other things, the technology-equipped automobile terminal model from the Isabella 2.0 project was demonstrated, which shows how port handling can be optimally planned and controlled using artificial intelligence. The topic of human-technology interaction from the MEXOT project was also presented: The use of autonomous transport systems and sensory exoskeletons offers optimized work ergonomics in logistics processes.

Senator Moosdorf even tested the demonstrator on the topic of assistance systems in intralogistics with augmented reality (AR) technology herself: By putting on the AR glasses, she gained an impression of the possibilities of this technology.

Last but not least, the topic of energy efficiency in production and logistics as well as the use of sustainable energy systems in industrial processes, which are currently being pursued in many BIBA projects, was an important concern during the visit.

We would like to thank Senator Moosdorf and her team for their interest in our research. Her recognition confirms and motivates us in our commitment to more innovation and sustainability in close cooperation with our industrial partners from production and logistics.

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