
The “Informationstag für Studieninteressierte” and the “Weltrettertag” (Day of the Saviors of the World), an initiative of the faculty of Production Engineering of the University of Bremen, address specifically young people who are about to finish High School. BIBA participates in these events and presents attractive offers. The events provide High School students with an insight on different engineering topics as well as with incentives for choosing their study course or profession.

In May, representatives from the undergraduate degree courses at the University of Bremen will hold presentations for all interested parties.

They will provide information on the content and prerequisites for the course, as well as the course structure and future career opportunities. At interdisciplinary events, you can also learn more about the application process, Bachelor and Master’s degrees, semesters abroad or learning a foreign language. Expert contacts from the various degree courses and service facilities will be ready at information stands to furnish you with information and to discuss this with you.


Are you interested in mechanical engineering, environmental technology or aviation and space travel? Would you like to collaborate in sustainable technologies for the future? Do you want to change the world? Then a course in Engineering at the University of Bremen, is just right for you! Want to know more?

Our course information day, the Weltretter-Tag, is taking place again in 2017. The programme will be published in Spring 2017 and you will then be able to register for workshops!

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Cobot from the BIBA at the Hannover Messe
March 31- April 4, 2025, Hannover
Girls' Day at BIBA
April 3, 2025, BIBA
Suppy Chain Day 2025
April 10, 2025, BIBA
Digital-Tour 2025: Nordenham
May 13, 2025, Nordenham

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